1st quarter 2024




April 7, 2024

The quarterly figures contain the most important key figures on the waiting list and organ donation and transplantation activity in Switzerland. All data originate from the Swiss Organ Allocation System (SOAS)) operated by the FOPH .

Please note

This page is still under development.

1. Waiting list

1.1 Persons on the waiting list

Fig. 1.1 Translation to be added..

Fig. 1.2 Translation to be added..

1.3 Events on the waiting list

Fig. 1.3 Translation…

2. Organ donation

2.1 Persons approved for deceased donation

Fig. 2.1 Translation…

2.2 Deceased Donors

Fig. 2.2 Translation…

2.3 Transplanted organs from deceased donors

Fig. 2.3 Transplanted organs in Switzerland from deceased donors, including imported organs from deceased donors abroad.

2.4 Transplanted organs per deceased donor

Fig. 2.4 Translation needed…

2.5 Living donors

Fig 2.5 Translation to be added…

3. Transplantations

3.1 Transplanted persons in Switzerland

Fig. 3.1 Translation needed… Fig. 3.2 Translation needed…

3.3 Transplanted persons abroad

Fig. 3.3 Translation needed…

3.4 Heart transplantation

*Fig. 3.4** Translation needed…

3.5 Lung transplantation

Fig. 3.5 Translation needed..

3.6 Liver transplantation

*Fig. 3.6** Translation needed…

3.7 Kidney transplantation

Fig. 3.7 Translation needed…

3.8 Pancreas/islet cell transplants

Fig. 3.8 Translation needed…